Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Patriotic Story: My Hassle

My Hassle

            “Andy…. Anna…. Come here!”, said Mom. “Yes… Mom. I’m coming”, answer Andy and Anna from their room. “What is it, Mom?”, said Anna. “For this Raya, we will go my hometown in Medan and what do you think?”, asked Mom. “O… it’s great I love too”, answer Andy. “Yeah… Me too, Mom. It’s been too long we aren’t met our grandpa”, said Anna. “So let’s packing”, said Dad.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I'm Indonesian Boy and I Love Indonesia

I’m Indonesian Boy and I Love Indonesia
            I’m so glad and proud to be born at Indonesia and one of Indonesian. Because in my country have much of variety, and the variety make us so unique in  the front eyes of the world. In the Indonesia is multicultural and multilingual but then this is prove we are so unique and make us united each of us, from Sabang until Marauke. That’s why, our national emblem of Indonesia is, “Bhineka Tunggal Ika” and the symbolic with  Garuda, which is bird in official seal of Republic of Indonesia.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Goosebumps Story Part 6: THe Bloody Reunion

18 PL
This story may contain strong violence, gore, horror/terror, sex scenes, nudity, sexual dialogues/references, religious, social or political aspects people may find objectionable.
The Bloody Reunion: Revenge!!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Reunion Alumnus SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Batu

Reunion SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Batu Year 2nd

Logo and Banner
                        This events was show it twice and this year was second year arranged it. The last year this events showed it in the Pekanbaru specifically in the Furaya Hotel. But this year, organizer was arranged this event would be showed it in the our beloved high school, namely SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Batu.
            Furthermore, because this is second time, organizer was planned and arranged to held this event during Raya or specifically in the Syawal 4th. After only one month to prepare this event, tonight this event will show it. As one of alumnus SMA Negeri 1 Bukit Batu, the writer went to this event with paid only Rp. 25.000 for students and university student and Rp.50.000 for the public or not student. Therefore, the organizer hope this event would be comes alumnus, even less this event to solidity between alumnus.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Variety Of Ramadhan

Sungai Pakning Bazaar Ramadhan

The Variety Of Ramadhan

            Ramadhan already to the corner and come close to Syawal. During the time so many experience the writer had experience it. Firstly, in ramadhan the writer and the other muslimin and muslimat must to go mosque to pray Tarawih and witir in the night, it is obligation each muslim and muslimat and also it is the only pray must to do in Ramadhan. And this Ramadhan to be sure ALLAH SWT will give some a reward for moral conduct. So each pious during in the Ramadhan will give some a reward for moral conduct. Beside that, in the day for muslimin and muslimat must to take fast.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

At-Tauhid: Panduan Zakat Fitri

Panduan Zakat Fitri

            Zakat secara bahasa berati an namaa’ (tumbuh), az ziyadah (bertambah), ash sholah (perbaikan), menjernihkan sesuatu dan sesuatu yang dikeluarkan dari pemilik untuk menyucikan dirinya. Fitri sendiri berasal dari kata ifthor, artinya berbuka (tidak berpuasa). Zakat disandarkan pada kata fitri karena fitri adalah sebab dikeluarkannya zakat tersebut. [Al Mawsu’ah Al Fiqiyah, 2/8278] ada pula ulama yang menyebutkan zakat ini dengan sebutan “fithroh” yang berarti fitrah/naluri. An Nawawi mengatakan bahwa untuk harta yang dikeluarkan sebagai zakat fitri disebut dengan “fithroh” [Al Majmu, 6/103]. Istilah ini digunakan oleh para pakar fikih. Sedangkan menurut istilah, zakat fitri berarti zakat yang diwajibkan karena berkaitan dengan waktu ifthor (tidak Berpuasa lagi) dari bulan ramadhan. [Mughnil Muhtaj, 1/592].

At-Tauhid: Hadis Lemah Dan Palsu Seputar Bulan Ramadhan

Hadis Lemah Dan Palsu Seputar Bulan Ramadhan

            Islam adalah agama yang ilmiah. Setiap amalan, atau ajaran yang disandarkan kepada islam harus memiliki dasar Al-quran dan hadis Nabi shallallahu’alaihi wasallam yang otentik. Dengan ini, islam tidak member celah kepada orang-orang yang beritikad buruk untuk menyusupkan pemikiran-pemikiran atau ajaran lain ke dalam ajaran Islam.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Memories While Broke Fast With My Friends

Uil, Revo Karmila, Robi Yanti and Selly Marselia

Memories While Broke Fast With My Friends

Rani, Puspita, Uil, Robi Yanti and Selly
            I’d feast just in the corner, so this afternoon my friends made some plan to broke fast together in the restaurant in my home town, Sungai Pakning. We were planned to met in the restaurant in 17.30 WIB. From my house just take few minutes to the restaurant by walk. Then, I saw some few my friends were waiting in the restaurant, so I’m just come in although my thought it just fool me because we are so long not to met and this plan might be deceit.

Friday, August 2, 2013

At-Tauhid: Hikmah Berpuasa dan Kelebihan Ramadhan

Hikmah Berpuasa dan Kelebihan Ramadhan
            Bulan Ramadhan sudah hamper ke penghujungnya dan mari sama- sama memanfaatkan momentum yang berharga ini yaitu dibulan yang sangat suci, yang penuh agung, penuh rahmat dan bulan pengampunan dosa-dosa yang telah lalu. Hikmah berpuasa dan kelebihan ramadhan adalah diantaranya: