Creepy Night

Suddenly, my sister said, “ So what
kind film we are want to watch right now????”. And I answered, “ how about
Panic Room?”. And my sister said, “Wow it’s a good film”. After she put in of
the DVD and the film was on. During we were watching the film, my sister asked,
“ until now our ordering still arrive yet”. And I answered, “ maybe had stuck
in some where place”. And I asked, “ did you explain to the deliver where is
our place??”. And my sister answered,” Yes I did”. After arguing each other,
suddenly, “Knock! Knock! Knock!”. “Who is there??”,answered me. The stranger
still not response so I open the door. While the door was open, I looked around,
it’s nothing here. After that I closed the door and go to living room, and my
sister asked, What happened?”. I answered, “strange!”, my sister asked,” what
strange??”. I answered,” I don’t know I heard someone knocked the door and I
open and I look around there is no one in the front the door”.
After that we are continue to watch
the film. Suddenly have sound in the kitchen like make messy in the kitchen, so
we are ran to the kitchen until there is no one. While we look around the
kitchen suddenly the door knocked and my sister go to open the door. All appearance,
our order was arrive. After my sister paid the ordering, we were ate the pizza.
Night comes more deeply, the film we were watched make us dozing. With heavy
eyed I looked the watch, its lateness.
Suddenly I saw a shadow across the window at the same time blackout it
happen and I wake up my sister and she was looked blank and suddenly have sound
in the door, Knock!! Knock!! Knock!!. We were getting afraid to open the door. Suddenly
the door open itself with slowly and we were more getting terrify and we were scream,
AAAAAAA………..!!!!!!!!!! and the same time the red eyes come out with brightly. And
we were run to the upstairs and go the my bedroom and lock the door and hid
under the bed with my sister. Unwittingly, I was trembling. And my sister make
calm me to solve my terrify.
I don’t know how long our hid under
the bed until my parent were come back from their anniversary. And they looked
us like amazed. And we were told everything what happened tonight.The Creepy Night
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