Friday, July 5, 2013

Current Issues: Direct Assistance Society Provisional

Sungai Pakning Post Office
Direct Assistance Society Provisional
 (Bantuan Langsung Sementara Masyarakat)

            Since government markup the fuel and subsidizing to community especially for lower community needed it.  Assistance was given such us give the bale of rice or we called RASKIN and money each month.
Community want get economic aid
            With given the assistance or another word economic aid to lower community was helpful and demulcent load of community needed. Then Ramadhan month will coming soon, so the prize was getting mark up and the impact for this happen makes community felt beefed about it. So like what the writer said before, with this economic aid was helpful and demulcent load.

            This economic aid also felt by the writer because the writer also got the aid. Alhamdulilah. Actually, this economic aid wasn’t given start right now but in the 2008, this economic aid was given in the 2008 but named Cash Direct Assistance or Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT). The economic aid was given also because the impact of mark up the fuel and one of way to subsidize to the community.
Register before get aid
            To get the economic aid, the head of household must manage or fulfill some term in the political district administered. Then, the head of household can get economic aid in the Post Office. The writer will explain little bit about this economic aid. They are:
                Social security card/ Kartu Perlindungan Sosial (KPS) issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. to have KPS, Poor Households and vulnerable deserve RASKIN accordance with the applicable provisions until 2014. KPS escorted by PT. Pos Indonesia and or village to village officials or Target Households without any charge.
Terms and Conditions
1.      Head of Household's Cardholders domo and all members are entitled to receive Social Protection Program in accordance with the applicable provisions
2.      This card is shown at the time of taking the benefits of Social Protection Program. Family card number mismatch does not eliminate the right of Household program benefits.
3.      This card can not be moved handed over
4.      This card must be stored properly, loss or damage is the responsibility Card Cardholders

How to Use KPS For RASKIN Program

1.      KPS mailed to households who are in the List of Beneficiaries (DPM) RASKIN in 2013.
2.      If based on the results of community meetings / urban households receiving the new 2013 PPP has been removed from the DPM RASKIN, the household can not redeem RASKIN.
3.      Deliberation villages / urban issue a Certificate of Poor Households (SKRTM) for RTS replacement.

            The writer felt so glad and thank to ALLAH SWT, the government given the economic aid to the lower community because with this economic aid will demulcent load and very helpful. I hope this economic aid will continue to the next month or next year.Current Issues: Direct Assistance Society Provisional
Social Security Card/Kartu Perlindungan Sosial (KPS)

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