In an alley, living a transvestite.
Being a transvestite wasn’t he choice and he is only having ability in
interpreted someone’s life cycle using muggings a tarot cards and as long as he
can still survive in a world of cruel. In the Night club is his work place with
dressing and wearing like a woman every Saturday night. But being a
transvestite is mockery and discrimination from society.
The Germinal of July
“Hi…Uncle! Why
you look so weird?” said Robert to his Uncle, Jack while his uncle put in his
eyes mascara. “This is a fashion” said Jack. And Robert just staring what his
uncle doing and the same time, he thinks deeply in his heart, why his uncle
doing like that because out of the blue, he has uncle is a transvestite.
In the next day. Jack get invitation
a wedding card and as a hairstyle the bride and also as makeup to the bride and
the groom. “Hey… Robert! I get invitation and I will makeover the bride and the
groom, you can join me, if you want?’ ask Jack. “Hem…. Okay!” answer Robert.
Day in day out, Robert is accompanying his uncle when have got some invitation
a wedding. The circumstantial, Robert is changing tune. He almost likes his
uncle’s behavior. He is start to wearing woman dress and makeup to his face,
after his uncle has passed away. And carried on what his uncle does.
Since that, Robert must leave from
the village because the people of the village are abhorred to the transvestite.
Then he goes to the city and he thought there is the place, nobody knows about
his life. While he goes out from the village, the communities are stoned to
Robert, “Get out from this village! Transvestite!” yelling the communities to
Robert. “Don’t do this to me” groan Robert. “Please don’t do this to me!” groan
Robert again.
The City is my home
In the bus.
“Hey… look there! Have a transvestite in the bus” said the hoodlum 1 to his
friend. “Let’s we intrude his” said the hoodlum 2. “Wait… so now you know that
transvestite have a gender” said the hoodlum 1 while stand up from the chair
and go to Robert’s position. “Hey… transvestite! You look so beautiful” said
the hoodlums 1. “And your thighs is bigger as the transvestite” said the
hoodlum 2. “Please don’t disturb me” groan Robert. “O…. so poor you are” said
the hoodlum 1 while he looks to Robert’s forehead is stone bruise. “Did you
have fighting with you race. “Hey… hey… stop what are you doing!” yelling the
driver of the bus to both of the hoodlum. “Hey the old man, we know what we are
doing. So better you driver carefully than interrupter” said the hoodlum 1.
“Shut up you, young boy!” yelling the old woman which is one of the passengers
the bus while give a slap with her handbag to the hoodlum’s cheek.
Suddenly the bus is stop and both of
the hoodlums are drop. “Fuck you!” said the hoodlum 1 to the driver of the bus.
“Hey… are you okay?” ask the old woman to Robert. “I’m fine, thank you” said
Robert to the old woman. “What is your plan?” said the old woman to Robert. “I
want to find a job” said Robert again. “Madam…!” said the driver of the bus to
the old woman. “Oh… already arrive” said the woman. “Nice to meet you, madam”
said Robert. “Nice to meet you too and good luck” said the old woman again.
A few minute later. “Hey… your
destination is arriving!” said the driver of the bus to Robert. “Oh… Thank you,
sir!” said Robert. “Be careful, son” said the driver of the bus again. And
Robert just gives some smile to the driver because he thinks some people of the
city are having good attitude. Mean while Robert is walking and starring around
the place and the hoodlums are also in there. “Hey… dude! Look there! Professedly
the transvestite in that shop” said the hoodlum 2. “Okay… time to pay back!”
said the hoodlum 1. “Listen… we will beat the bitch after he goes out from the
shop” said the hoodlum 1 again.
In the shop. “Hi… My name is Robert. I want to
ask if have job opening in here?” ask Robert. “I’m sorry. “We don’t want take
an employer and kind of people like you” mocking the shop keeper. “Please don’t
say that” said Robert while go out from the shop. In the outside, “Hey… dude!
The bitch is come out! Let’s go” said the hoodlum 2. “Okay… Let’s go!” said the
hoodlum 1 while come close to Robert. “Hi… transvestite! How are you?” said the
hoodlum 1 to Robert. “Are you new here?” said the hoodlum 2 while carrying
Robert to the alley. “What you will do to me?” ask Robert. “You will find out”
said the hoodlum 1 while give some pounding to Robert’s face, stomach and nose.
“Please… don’t do that again!” groan Robert. “Check in his bag, if he have some
jewelry?!” said the hoodlum 1 and the hoodlum 2 is burgling the bag. “I don’t
have anything!” groan Robert. “There is nothing, dude!” said the hoodlum 2. “I
don’t have anything… please don’t hurting me!” groan Robert. “Give me your
money or….” said the hoodlum 1 while hold up the knife to Robert. And Robert
gives his wallet to hoodlum 1 and “Only this!” said the hoodlums 1 and the
hoodlums 2 give some pounding to Robert again. “Take this, bitch!” said the
hoodlums 2 while the both of the hoodlums are go out from the alley and leaving
to Robert is still bleeding and stone bruise in whole of his body. “Oh… GOD!
Help me! Somebody help me, please!” groan Robert in the alley. Suddenly the
cloud burst make Robert must find the place to take shelter. And he make a
shelter of cardboard box in the under of ladder step in the alley. During the
rained in torrents, Robert still groans about what happened to him.
The night is getting more and more
deeply. Robert is still in his shelter while waiting the rain is stop.
Suddenly, his eyes feel so dazzled because of the light from the flashlight is
hold up by the Police officer. “Who are you? Why are you here?” ask the Police
officer is making a patrol to the alley. “I’m… I’m… Robert” said Robert to
Police officer falteringly because the cold. “Your I.D card?” ask Police
officer. “My wallet was stealing by the burglars” said Robert. “Come with me,
you will talk in my office” said the Police officer while carrying Robert to
the prowl car.
In the Police office. “Why you in
the alley?” ask the Police officer. “Some hoodlums were in fringing me in the
alley” said Robert. “Do you still remember the face’s of the hoodlum?” ask the
police officer. “Yes… I’m still remembered” said Robert again and describe the
hoodlums. “Okay… we will find these guys” said the police officer. Suddenly,
“Sir…! Here are the cloths what you want it” said another police officer.
“Robert, here are your cloths, you can change it” said the police officer.
“Thank you, sir” said Robert while change his cloth. “Robert, actually, why you
come here?” ask police officer again. “I want to find a job” said Robert. “What
kind a job do you want to work it?” ask the police officer. “Anything…. At
least it can finance my life here” said Robert again. “Robert, can I give my
advice?” ask the police officer. “Sure, what is it?” ask Robert again. “Living
in the city is not easy as you thought, and the city is abound with torment,
criminality in everywhere and just little cheeriness” said the police officer
while accompany Robert to front door. “Thank you for your advice, sir. I will
remember it and I will be on the quivive” said Robert while Robert goes out
from Police office. Suddenly, “Oh… God! I forget to ask him did he have house
to rent?” said the Police officer again while he look the road and Robert is
missing in his eyes.
After leave from the Police station,
Robert take to the road and loaf around. “Where I must to go now?!” said
Robert. While he walks in alongside the shops, suddenly his eyes staring one of
the shops, the fruits shop. When he staring to the variety of the fruits and he
are groping his stomach of the famished but he doesn’t have money to buy it.
“Hi… Sir! Want to buy the fruit?!” ask the fruiterer. “Oh… I’m sorry” said
Robert while leave from the fruits shop. Subconsciously, the old woman buys the
fruit which are she was helping Robert yesterday in the bus and “Hey… Young
man! Wait a second!” shrieking the Old woman to Robert. “Hey… Madam! How are
you?” said Robert. “Why you look so horrible?” ask the Old woman. “Where you
get this?” ask the Old woman again while she hold Robert’s stone bruise. “My
bag, wallet and everything I have. Was it stolen by the hoodlums” said Robert.
“What?! They must pay back this” said the Old woman. “Come with me, young man.
I’m sure you are still not having a dinner, yet. And stay at my home tonight”
said the Old woman again. “Thank you, Madam” said Robert.
In the Old woman’s house. “Here is
my house, young man” said the Old woman to Robert. “You have such a nice house,
Madam” said Robert. “Don’t be silly and make like your house too and your room
in the upstairs. Come with me. I show you” said the Old woman while show to
Robert’s room. “Wow… it’s nice room also” said Robert again. “Don’t say that… I
want to prepare our dinner so you must change your cloth” said the Old woman
again. “Oh… thank you” said Robert. “If my son still lives. I’m sure he also
happy when he meet you” said the Old woman while holding up Robert’s hand. At
the time the Old woman is flash upon to her son, which is pass away in the last
three year ago cause of accident. “Oh… God! Life must go on, right?” ask the
Old Woman to Robert. And Robert gives the response with a smiling face. “Get a
change! Hurry up” said the Old woman again.
After the Old woman leave from her late son
room and goes to downstairs and prepare the dinner. Meanwhile that, Robert
staring the room and the picture of the Old woman’s son on the table. And the wardrobe
is still the Old woman’s son cloths. “Life must go on” said Robert while he get
change his cloth with the cloth of late the Old woman’s son. After he get
change and goes to downstairs. “Hey… My young man. Now you look so handsome to
me” said the Old woman is standing in the dining room. “What we waiting for?
Shall we?!” said the Old woman to Robert while show the dining table. While the
Old woman and Robert are having their dinner, suddenly the Old woman asking
something to Robert. “Young man, what do you in the city?” ask the Old woman.
“Actually I want to find a job?” said Robert. “What kind job do you want it?”
ask the Old woman again. “When I walk alongside the shops, I saw this shop make
me interest to work in there” said Robert. “Which one?” ask the Old woman. “The
Barbershop” said Robert. “Because my ability in haircut, makeover and dressing
up when some bride and groom wants to makeover to their wedding” said Robert.
“Hmm… Okay I’m understood and good luck for tomorrow” said the Old Woman.
“Thank you” said Robert. “Oh… if I count your “thank you”, I will count in the
billion” said the Old woman. “Ha… ha… ha…!” giggle both of Robert and the Old
woman contemporaneously.
The next day. “Good morning, Madam!
What are you doing? Have you having a breakfast?” ask Robert to the Old woman.
“Good morning, Youngman. I’m just muggings the tarot card. And I have breakfast
early cause when I want waked you, your sleep look so “sleep upon both ears”
and I don’t want to interrupted your sleep” said the Old woman. “Why you doing
this?” ask Robert. “Because…. Wait… you look so handsome today same as my late
son. Oh… yah… I’m doing this to know what is your future” said the Old woman.
“Really? Using these cards?” said Robert. “Don’t underestimate to these cards,
so take one of them” said the Old Woman and Robert take one card and show to
the Old woman. “Your life abounds with struggling but you still achieve what
you want” said the Old woman. “Hmmm… Really? Better you wish me luck to get
this job” said Robert. “Remember, son! You still achieve what you want!” said
the Old woman to Robert. “Okay…. If I come back later, can you teach me how to
muggings the cards?” said Robert while open the front door. “Okay I will “said
the Old woman. “Your life abounds with struggling till the end…” said the Old
woman again.
The Barbershop is my work place
“Hello?!” said Robert to the employee
in the barbershop. “Hello? Can I help you?” said the employee in the
barbershop. “Hmm… I’m just wanted to ask have job opening here?” ask Robert.
“Oh… yes! Please follow me, I will show you to our manager” said the employee
to Robert. In the Manager room. “Ma’am, someone wants to meet you” said the
employee to the manager. “Oh… come in!” said the manager. “Hello?!” said
Robert. “What I can do for you?” ask the manager. “I’m just wanted to work in
your barbershop” said Robert. “Do you have any skill?” ask the manager. “Yes… I
have” said Robert. “Okay show me” said the manager to Robert while go out from
her room to barber section. “Hey ladies… I’m announcing to you, our new friend
and employee. Oh… so lucky you are… have the customer so show us your skill”
said the manager to Robert. “Oh… yes, Ma’am!” said Robert nervously. “Don’t be
nervous!” said the manager. “Would you like to have a haircut, sir?” ask
Robert. “Yes, my hair is very long” said the customer. “Don’t cut off too much.
Cut short on the right and left but not too short in front and behind” said the
customer again. “All right” said Robert while he starts up to make haircut to
the customer’s hair. “Today, you look so handsome. Have any event did you
invited?” said Robert. “Oh… thank you. And Yes, I’m invited by my friend’s
wedding” said the customer. “Oh… I see” said Robert. “Are you new here?” said
the customer. “Yes, sir! I’m new here!”
said Robert. Meanwhile the manager is looking Robert’s job from her room. “Hmm…
he has some skill. Good…!” said the manager. “Okay…. Finish. Take a look, sir”
said Robert. “Wow… nice work!” said the customer. “Alice…. Alice… Alice….
You’re a new employee is very good. His work is very nice” said the customer to
the manager, Alice. “Oh… really? If you don’t mind come again in my barbershop”
said Alice. “Oh… I will” said the customer while go out from the barbershop.
“So… how is your first customer in
the first day?” ask Alice. “Oh… it’s good” said Robert. “I’m sure… I’m not
introducing to Anna and this is Jessica and…” said Alice while introducing her
employee. “Oh… nice to meet you. I’m Robert” said Robert. “So… welcome to our
barbershop” said Alice. But then, Jessica doesn’t show her the friendliness to
Robert. After that, the customers are come alternately and most of them are
likes what Robert do. Its makes Jessica envied to Robert.
After six o’clock Robert is come
back from his work place. “Hallo… Madam, did you know what? I got this job”
said Robert to the Old woman. “Yeah… it’s good to you” said the Old woman. “So
when you teach me to muggings the tarot card” said Robert. “Are you sure?” ask
the Old woman. “Why not?” said Robert. “Hmm… okay. But before that let’s having
a dinner” said the Old woman to Robert while go to the dining room. “Oh… yes”
said Robert. “So… tell me what happen in the barbershop?” ask the Old woman.
And Robert begin tell what happen in the barbershop and about his got the job
and also about unfriendliness Jessica. “It’s commonly, someone hate us.
Actually she is jealous with you” said the Old woman. “Yeah… I think so” said
Robert. “So when you will teach me about the muggings the card?” ask Robert.
“Better you take bath first and after that I will teach it” said the Old woman.
“Robert…. Can I asking you something? I hope you can call me, Mom. If you don’t
mind?” said the Old woman. “I’m glad to hear that because I’m also put down as
your son too” said Robert and both of them are necking each other. “Thank you”
said the Old woman. “Thank you too, Mom” said Robert. After Robert changed his
cloth. The Old woman preparing to teach Robert how to muggings the cards.
In the next morning. “Mom, I got to
go now” said Robert. “Oh yeah… be careful” said the Old woman. “Yes, Mom” said
Robert while go out and walking away to the barbershop. “Hi… good morning,
Robert” said Anna. “Good morning, Anna” said Robert. “You come early today”
said Anna again and meanwhile Jessica comes with a way face. “What’s wrong with
her?” ask Robert. “I hope you don’t take personal with her. She is jealous with
you actually” said Anna. “Hmm… I think so. Anna, do you want to know about your
prince charming…” said Robert. “Are you the horoscope now?” ask Anna again.
“Yeah… while we are waiting the customers come” said Robert again. “So…?” said
Anna. “Okay… this is the cards. I will muggings a little bit and…. Choose and
take one of them” said Robert while spread out the cards. “Hmmm…. I choose
this” said Anna while tipping over the card. “About your future prince
charming, he is so gentleman, wise and also so cute” said Robert. “He is a tall
person with curly hair” said Robert again. “Are you kidding?” said Anna.
Meanwhile, Jessica is staring to Anna and Robert and suddenly Alice come the
shop. “Good morning everybody” said Alice. “Good morning, Ma’am!” said Anna,
Jessica and Robert contemporaneously. “Wow… you come early today” said Alice to
Robert. “Oh… yes, Ma’am” said Robert. “What are you doing?” ask Alice while
pointing to tarot cards. “Their makes a stupid thing” said Jessica. “Hmmm… I’m
also wanted to know about my life. Can you portending? But not for now maybe
later after we are finish our job” said Alice while go to her room. “She is
like you… I think you bring the magic power” said Anna while pointing the
customers are come to make haircut. “Good morning, Miss!” said Anna.
In the market. The Old woman want to
buy some culinary purpose and suddenly, “Hey… did you know the old woman keep a
transvestite in her house?” said the woman whispery with another woman.
“What?!” said another woman but the Old woman just keep silence and pick the
food stuff. “You not believe me…? I saw she was picked the transvestite in the
alley…” said the woman. “Really? Maybe she wants redeem her late son” said another
woman. “So pity she is…” said the woman. “So what do you think is wrong?” said
another woman again. “Yes, because her late son is so handsome and muscular
than the transvestite who is she picked it up, so “squid” said the woman. “Hey…
hey… she is comes this way” said another woman while the Old woman come to them.
“Hi Madam!” said the woman. And the Old woman just gives the smile response to
them. “I think she is hearing what we are talking about” said another woman.
In the barbershop. “Robert, I want
to meet our supplier so can you keep watch our counter?” ask Alice to Robert.
“Oh… I will!” said Robert. “And Anna, you can call me if some problem or
another requirements or you just text me the bill of material, right?” ask
Alice to Anna while go out from the barbershop. “Okay, ma’am!” said Anna.
Meanwhile, Jessica is making haircut the customer and “This is it! Robert, you
will I eliminated” said Jessica by scowl of brow. In surreptitiously, Jessica
walk away to counter and steal the money when Robert go to bathroom and Anna go
to buy a lunch. Suddenly Anna come in to the shop, “Hey, what are you doing?”
said Anna. “Nothing, I’m just recharger my phone battery” said Jessica. And
Anna just staring to Jessica with mistrustfully. “Why you staring on me?!” ask
Jessica again. “I’m just suspicious on you” said Anna. “So?” said Jessica.
“Because you are never recharge your battery phone in the counter and…” said
Anna with continue because suddenly she got the phone call from Alice. Meanwhile,
Robert go out from the bathroom and go to counter. “Yes, Ma’am?” said Anna. “Oh
yeah, Anna. Did you have rewritten the bill of material?” said Alice on the
phone. “Oh… yes, Ma’am. I will texting” said Anna. “Okay” said Alice and make
phone call disconnection. Meanwhile Anna texting the bill of material to Alice,
Jessica is staring on Robert with grim visage. And Robert doesn’t know what
happen in the counter and how money was stolen by Jessica.
In the next day. “Jessica, Anna and
Robert please come in my room” said Alice when Jessica, Anna and Robert are
busy with to preparing to open the barbershop. In the Alice’s office. “Last
night, I counting my accounting book but I found some particularistic fallacy
or mistake in the calculation. Robert, can you count this ready-reckoned?” said
Alice. “Yeah… there is particularistic fallacy” said Robert. “Or someone is
stolen the money” said Jessica. “What do you mean?” ask Alice. “Because Robert
was kept the counter yesterday” said Jessica. “Ma’am, please believe me. I
wasn’t stolen your money” said Robert. “Or you?” said Anna. “Because I saw you
were standing in the counter” said Anna. “I told you… I was recharging my phone
battery” said Jessica. “I don’t believe you!” said Anna. “Enough!!!” yelling
Alice. Suddenly the customer come to barbershop make rap session is stopped.
Meanwhile, Jessica, Anna and Robert
are serving the customers to making haircut. Alice goes to the kitchen and wants
to make a cup of milk and she is seeing the Robert’s bag is open but she still
doesn’t want to see inside the bag. But when she wants to go to her room again,
accidentally she is nudging the bag and she is seeing the money. “I don’t
believe he is doing so” said Alice. Unwittingly, Jessica is staring to Alice
surreptitiously and she is smile because trapped was she planned to Robert and
she made a success of it. In rebuking, Alice go to barber side and yelling to
Robert, “Robert, what is it?” yelling Alice while show out the proof on the
front everybody are in barber including Anna and the customers. “Ma’am, please
trust me. I don’t stealing your money” begging Robert. “So how the money inside
your bag?” yelling Alice. Meanwhile the customers are frightened out of with
yelling of Alice to Robert. Suddenly, “You are fired, transvestite!” yelling
Alice. “Ma’am, you should calm down before decide” said Anna. “I’m not need it
so get out from my barbershop” said Alice again. And Anna felt so sad and
confusion with what happen and at the same time Jessica is big smile with what
happen now. Cause of recrimination and disgraceful on the front all of the
customers. Robert must find a new job and also need some more damnation or
restoration in a previous.
My name is July now
After the incident make Robert felt
so sad and flash upon to his uncle. “Uncle… I felt so frustrated. I’m sorry.
I’m disappointed you…” said Robert while he is walks away to the Old woman’s
house. Suddenly he is stopped and “You so kind to me, Mom. And I’m not deserve
to accept your kindness” said Robert again while he is walk way round and keep
away from the Old woman’s house. “Good bye, Mom!” said Robert again. “Where is
Robert right now? Until now he still doesn’t come back from his work place”
said the Old woman while she goes to the barbershop.
In the barbershop, “Excuse me.
Robert…! Robert…!” said the Old woman “Robert doesn’t work here anymore” said Jessica.
“Why?!” ask the Old woman. “He just got fired and get out from this barber”
said Jessica again rudely. And the woman just walks away and confuse with what
About Robert, he is being a homeless
drifter who is always moving from one the alley to another alley. But one day,
he walks away in the behind of the clothing store. He sees some gown and
another women cloth on the dustbin and he takes the cloths. “Now, my name is
July” said Robert. Suddenly, “Hey… what are you doing?” said the shopkeeper
when wants throw the rubbish and its make Robert runs from the shopkeeper.
After run from the shopkeeper, Robert staring on the alley and flash upon it,
which is the first time he was spent time a long night after he has robbed by
the hoodlums. But he walks again with hearth broken. Until in the intersection,
he sees the discotheque and so many crowd in there and he thought that place
can give his life back again but he must find home first. He walks again and
again until he find the bridge. The under of the bridge, that is a new house as
for Robert near with the river. After he takes a bath from the water of the
river, he is preparing to change his cloth with wearing the gown which he found
it. After that, he goes to the discotheque with wearing the gown and put a
makeup on his face and he is totally changed.
In the discotheque. “Hi… big quys!
Can I come in” said July (Robert) while cherishing the bodyguard’s shoulder.
“Who are you?” said the bodyguard. “I’m July” said July (Robert) with gentle
voice. “Okay… you can come in” said the bodyguard. “Thank you” said July again.
After he comes inside the discotheque, he staring around the crowd so wild and
the music play so loud with the lamp is light in variety of color. In the bar
side, he order club soda to bar tender. “Are you a new here?” said the bar
tender. “Yes... I’m a new here” said July (Robert). “A beautiful woman like you
is better watch out because here have many bad guy” said the bar tender again.
“Oh… thanks for your advice. Did you want to know about your future” said July
while take outside the tarot cards. “So are you the palmist?” ask the bar
tender. “Not as professional” said July (Robert) while muggings the card.
“Okay… Let’s we see” said July while muggings the cards and spread the card on
the table. “So pick one of them” said July again. “Hmm…. I choose this one”
said the bar tender while choose the card. “You have successful job in the
future” said July. “What do you mean?” ask the bar tender. “You will successful
and have own club and bar” said July again. “But?!” said the bar tender. “If
you want call it day from this and make own club. And also I think your boss so
stingy, isn’t?” said July. “Wow… you are right in one situation but I’m still
love this job and work in here.. Is it trues my boss so stingy” said the bar
tender. “Oh… yeah! I almost forget my name is Adam” said the bar tender. “I’m
July” said July (Robert). Suddenly, “What she is doing?” said the man while he
wants more drink. “She is fortune-teller” said Adam the bar tender. “Oh…
really? Let me try” said the man. “Why not?” said July (Robert). After muggings
the card and tell the fortune to the man and “If your prognosis is true, I will
give you more tip” said the man while he put out the money. “Oh… not again.
Here is your tip also” said Adam the bar tender. “Wow thank you” said July
Night getting deeper and deeper,
July decide to go home but until in front door. He is hearing the song which is
sing by singing beggar. And he walks close on to singing beggar. And the song
is he singing getting louder that the music play inside the discotheque.
told me long ago
There's a
calm before the storm,
I know;
It's been
comin' for some time.
When it's
over, so they say,
It'll rain
a sunny day,
I know;
down like water.
I want to
know, have you ever seen the rain?
I want to
know, have you ever seen the rain
down on a sunny day?
Yesterday, and days before,
Yesterday, and days before,
Sun is
cold and rain is hard,
I know;
Been that
way for all my time.
forever, on it goes through the circle, fast and slow,
I know;
It can't
stop, I wonder”
“Is it nice song” said July to
singing beggar while put out the money and give to singing beggar. “Oh… thank
you, miss” said the singing beggar. “Tonight is my luck night so I’m just want
to share it” said July while walk away from the discotheque. In the underneath
of the bridge, Robert put off the gown and his makeup and smile, maybe he
thought being transvestite and wearing woman cloth more get appreciated. In his
mattress, he is laying down looking the bridge ceiling and he is crying and
crying a long night.
In the next Saturday night, he is
preparing goes to discotheque again with wearing the dress. Till on the front
door of discotheque, he sees the singing beggar. At the time singing beggar
also just arrive in there. “Hi… can you singing to me this song; Killing Me
softly with his Song” ask July. “Hi… yes I can. I’m playing the guitar and you
are singing, how about that?” said the singing beggar. “Okay” said July;
my pain with his fingers,
Singing my
life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Telling my
whole life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song...
I heard he sang a good song,
I heard he
had a style.
And so I
came to see him to listen for a while.
And there
he was this young boy, a stranger to my eyes.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my
life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Telling my
whole life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song...
I felt all flushed with fever, embarrassed by the crowd,
I felt he
found my letters and read each one out loud.
I prayed
that he would finish but he just kept right on...
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my
life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Telling my
whole life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song...
He sang as if he knew me in all my dark despair.
And then
he looked right through me as if I wasn't there.
But he
just came to singing, singing clear and strong.
Strumming my pain with his fingers,
Singing my
life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Telling my
whole life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song...
He was strumming, oh, he was singing my song.
Killing me
softly with his song,
Killing me
softly with his song,
Telling my
whole life with his words,
Killing me
softly with his song ... With his song
“You have nice voice” said the singing
beggar. “Please don’t say that. And you too… you look so expertly when playing
the guitar” said July. “Hmm… thanks” said the singing beggar. “Why you are not
try…” said July without continue because the man, he was meet in the last
Saturday. “Hi… July! Is it true with what you are told me last yesterday” said
the man. “So?” said July. “Just come to inside, I buy you a drink” said the
man. “Oh… see you later” said July to singing beggar. “Oh… she is name July”
said singing beggar by scowl of brow. “Adam gives a drink in high quality for
our fortune teller tonight!” said the man. “So her prognosis is true?” ask Adam
the bar tender while preparing the drink. “Oh… I’m sorry I can’t drink” said
July. “Why? Is it impolite to refuse my tip” said the man “You should try this
at least he is pay it” said Adam the bar tender. Unlikely July must drink in a
And start from that, July or Robert
as being alcoholic. And having an effect on his healthy. Every single minute,
he is whooping. And in a month, he wasn’t going to the discotheque. One day, he
goes to pharmacy want to buy medication to heal his chough. At the same time,
the Old woman still searching the Robert with show out Robert’s photo on the
several shops but until on the front door of pharmacy, she is stop and staring
around but not come to inside the pharmacy. Unwittingly also for Robert is
still in the pharmacy, when the Old woman continue searching Robert and after
Robert pay and leave out from the pharmacy, Robert walk in different direction.
Suddenly the Old woman turn walk back again, she thought she will find on the
pharmacy. Until in the pharmacy, “Excuse, miss. Did you meat this young man?”
ask the Old woman while show out the Robert’s photo to shopkeeper. “You just
cross over with this man” said the shopkeeper. “Really?” said the Old woman.
“Where is he take direction?” ask the Old woman again. “On the left” said the
shopkeeper again. “Thank you” said the Old woman.
In the Police station. “Sir, we just
find the suspect” said police agent. “Okay, come with me. We must tell to
Robert first” said the Police officer. “So we are looking for Robert now?” ask
the police agent. “Yeah… make a team to searching because the Old woman also
searching too” said the Police officer.
In the Barbershop. “Ma’am, you
should apologies to Robert because I got evidence to proof about Robert not
guilty. Here is the video from CCTV” said Anna. “I’m sorry, Ma’am. Because it’s
my fault actually” said Jessica. “The man who can accept you’re sorry is
Robert” said Alice. “I know…” said Jessica. “And you are fired!” yelling Alice.
“Your deserve it!” said Anna.
Now, the Old woman, Alice, Anna and
Jessica and also the Police officer are searching Robert to all direction and
little bit of clue about the location of Robert is appreciated. In the
underneath of the bridge, Robert is preparing to go to discotheque with wearing
his woman cloth. Until on the front door of discotheque, the singing beggar is
accosting to Robert, “Hi July” said the singing beggar. “How come you know my name?”
ask July. “It’s doesn’t matter. My name is Michael” said the singing beggar.
“Michael such as nice name” said July. “Hey July come in, hurry up some people
want to meat you” said Adam the bar tender. “Oh… Okay. See you later, Michael”
said July while come to discotheque. Just Robert come inside the discotheque,
the Old woman is still searching until on the front of discotheque and asking
to Michael. “Young man, did you meat this man?” ask the Old woman while show
out Robert’s photo. And Michael looks so confuse when Robert’s photo is
different with he has sees it. “I think him inside” said Michael is still confused
while pointing to the front door of discotheque. And the Old woman goes to
front door but it restrain by the bodyguard, “Where are you going old lady?”
said the bodyguard. “I want to see my son” said the Old woman. “Your son is not
here” said the body guard.
“Hey July please tell what is my
future wife?” said another man gropingly July’s (Robert) thigh. “Hey… don’t
deleterious on her” said Adam. “So you are her boyfriend? Ups… not her but his”
said another man. Cause of that happen a free fight. “Okay grandma. You should
stay away from here because here is a danger place” said the bodyguard while
looking inside and fighting happen. In police van, the announcer has announcing
some happen in the discotheque, “Police agent… Police agents please go to
Discotheque 69 because there have some free fighting. Hurry up…!” said the
announcer from radio. In Alice’s car. “What happen?” said Anna when looking the
police van run fast to direction of Discotheque 69. “We just follow the police
van” said Alice.
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R.I.P Gusti Rahmad please send Al-Fatihah |
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