In the discotheque, Adam walks out
from the discotheque drunkenness and walking along the shops to his house and
he doesn’t stand any longer, then he fall head first, “Oh… damn it! Maybe I
drunk a lot” said Adam while he feel his head. Then, from the far he has seen a
taxi, and then he whistling for the taxi comes. Then the taxi come to Adam,
“Where want you going, sir?” said the taxi driver. “To Pahlawan Street” said
Adam to the taxi driver drunkenly. “Okay…!” said the taxi driver while he start
the engine. During on the way to Adam’s house, the taxi driver is driving
quietly and suddenly Adam scream off to the taxi driver, “Hey… you miss my
house! Hey…. Damn shit taxi driver! You are missing my house!” yelling Adam to
the taxi driver but the taxi driver still keeps silent and continues his
driving and padlocking the doors. “What the hell are you doing? Are you
abduction me?” yelling Adam again but the taxi driver still keep silent. Then,
Adam feels his pocket to grab the phone and tried to make dial phone call.
Seemingly the taxi driver seen what Adams doing and he push ahead the gas cause
of the taxi drive at excessive speed and also make Adam’s phone came off from
his handful. And while Adam tried to hold his phone from the bottom the chair, the
taxi driver pushes ahead the gas again and cause of that Adam’s head
accidentally bump into the chair, its make Adam unconscious. And, the taxi
driver still driving away and throwing the phone.
Two days after in the office, Jack
is typing his work. Suddenly, “Jack, I must go now and happy overtime-work to
you” said Eric. “Happy Holiday to you” said Jack again then he continue his
typing. After two hours, his typing then he felt so thirsty and go to canteen
and pouring to the cup, suddenly he heard the sound from the meeting room,
“Srlpppp….” voice from the mop is mopping the floor. Cause of that, Jack
walking to the meeting room furtively, then he look blank when he seen the man,
“Who are you?” ask Jack. “I’m sorry if I disturb you” said the cleaner. “Are
you new here” ask Jack again. “Yes, I’m new here. I got this job in this
morning” said the cleaner again. “Hmm… continue your work” said Jack while
staring the man’s face but he can’t because the man’s face is cover with his
hat and the lamps in the meeting room are turn off. After that, Jack go to his
workbench but before that he goes to the cleaner is whack away to hit from the
back head and cause of that Jack in unconscious. Then the cleaner is drag down
Jack’s body into the elevator and go to the down floor and go to parking area.
Then, Jack’s body put into the van and the cleaner start the engine. After that
he is driving away.
In the warehouse, Jack and Adam are
in the room. “Hey… I brought to you a friend, I’m sure you are know him” said
the stranger man to Adam while that Adam still unconscious. Suddenly Adam get
splashed water on his face, meanwhile that Jack is begging to the stranger man,
“Please let me go!” said Jack to the stranger man. “Shut up!” said the stranger
man. Then, “Who’s there?” said Adam while open his eyes and seen someone is
covering his head by black cloth. “Ah…. Please let me go!” groaning Jack to
Adam. Then Adam release string in Jack’s hand and pulled off the black cloth is
covering Jack’s head and face. Then, “Adam, why are you here?” said Jack to
Adam while both of them are meet. “Jack, I also ask same way like you ask too”
said Adam. “Where are we now?” ask Jack. “I don’t know. What’s date now?” ask
Adam. “20th May 2014, why?” ask Jack again. “So I have been here in
two days” said Adam. “What?!” said Jack in surprise. Suddenly, the stranger man
is come out from the screen and “Happy reunion to both of you” said the
stranger man and while that, the stranger man is wearing the mask. “Who are
you? Why we are here?” said Jack. “Calm down… calm down… don’t you want to
celebrate your reunion” said the stranger man again while that Jack and Adam
look at each other with confused. “Hey… Fuck tell us where are we?” said Adam.
“Hey… don’t said like that… it’s impolite” said the stranger man to Adam. “Ah….
Fuck… moron you!” said Adam again. “Oh… yeah! This is your fuck!” said the
stranger man in a rage while press the button and suddenly Adam get electric
discharge. “Ah…. Aaa… aaa…”groans Adam in pain. “Stop it! Please stop it!”
begging Jack. Then the stranger man release the press button, “Don’t say the
words again, if you want to know why you are here” said the stranger man. “Damn
shit you!” said Adam again. Then, Adam gets electric discharge again, “AH…
AAAA…. AA…” groans Adam in pain again. “I told you don’t say that words again”
said the stranger man. “Adam… please don’t do that again if you want to go out
from this room” said Jack to Adam. “Yeah… listened your buddy” said the
stranger man. “So why we are here?” ask Jack. Then the stranger man disappears
from the screen television. “That man wants to kill us so useless we are
begging to him” said Adam to Jack. “But we also doesn’t know where we are now”
said Jack. “This is bullshit, it’s better to me find way out” said Adam while
he walks to wall gropingly in the dark. Suddenly he felt the door leaf and he
tried to open but, “Ah…. Damn shit fuck!” yelling Adam in pain because his arm
is injured and seemingly in the door leaf have wire. “What happen?” said Jack.
“My hand is hurt” groans Adam in pain. Suddenly the stranger man is appear
again on the screen, “Ha… ha… ha… don’t you think you can come out from this
room” said the stranger man while the lamps in the room are turn on. “Oh…
God!!” said Jack while staring the whole the room, then he go to Adam and look
Adam’s injured. “Now, you just know you can’t come out from this room before
answers my question. This is your mistreating room!” said the stranger man.
“Why you do this to us?” said Jack. “He is stupid psycho” said Jack. Then, Jack
gets electric discharge again. “Ah… AAA…. AAA….”groans Adam in pain. “Oh…no!
Don’t do that again. I’m begging you” said Jack. “Ups… I did again. Ha… ha…
Ha…!” said the stranger man. “You told us, you will release us if we are answer
your question, aren’t you?” said Jack. “I’m kind of person always keep my words
but depend of your answer” said the stranger man

“We are continuing to the next files,
we will look how Amanda dies” said the stranger man. “Based on this report,
Amanda death cause of stranglehold, several of thrust in whole her body
including in her pudendum” said Adam. “Yes, but before she killed, she also
raped from the evidence of sperm, so ask both of you, did you rape Amanda?”
said the stranger man again. “I never touch Amanda, I swear of name of God”
said Jack. “How about you? She is your love. I’m sure you might be touching her
body, did you?” ask the stranger man. “Be honest, Amanda and I are never “make
love” and she also make promise to me to not do that before we are get married”
said Adam. “So sweet… take your revolver…!” said the stranger man. “Wait…!
Wait…! There is only option to proof both of us aren’t raped Amanda” said Jack
while holding the bottle. “O… I see. Just do it” said the stranger man. After
that Jack and Adam are grab the bottle and masturbated. “So quickly…” said the
stranger man to Adam. “Please take examination and compare with your evidence”
said Jack again. “Off course I will do it. Put the bottles in the front door”
said the stranger man. Meanwhile Jack put in the bottle in the front door and
suddenly the door is open and someone is grab the bottle from the outside and
locking the door again. “ And for the last I want to presentation some video to
you and searching the might be suspect of killing Amanda, the first video…”
said the stranger man and Jack took the video and put into the video player and
in the video show some peculiarity. “This is when we were took vacation in the
Bali, we were happy on there” said Adam. “And the second video” said the
stranger man. And Jack take another video from the bag ant put into the video
player, then “This video are took when Amanda and I were going to supermarket
and want to buy present for your birthday” said Jack. “And the last video” said
the stranger man, then Adam take the video and put into video player. “And the
last video is take from the news, which is reported on Amanda case” said the
stranger man. Suddenly, “That man” said Jack. “Who is the man told about?” ask
Adam. “Listen, when we look the first video. That man is appear and so close
with both of you when you were sitting under the umbrella and Amanda were
standing and take a picture and then that man was behind Amanda” said Jack
while repeat the video again. “Yeah… he is totally behind Amanda” said Adam.
“And for the second video, that video was in the supermarket, that man is behind
Amanda again and his face cover up with his hat. “And the last video?” ask the
stranger man. “Who are you actually?” ask Jack. “And what is your relation
between this case with you” ask Jack again. Meanwhile Adam staring to Jack with
confused. “What’s wrong with you? He probably will kill us” said Adam
whisperingly. “Who is the suspect?” ask the stranger man. “I said who are you?”
yelling Jack. “You want to know about me…. this is who I am!” said the stranger
man. “AH…AAA….AAA….” groans Jack in pain. “I said who is the suspect?!” said
the stranger man but Jack still keep silent and dreadfully ill. “Adam take your
revolver and shoot the gun to Jack” said the stranger man. “Adam take your
revolver…” said the stranger man again, then unlikely Adam grab the revolver
and tried to shooting. “Jack don’t make me do it” said Adam. “So who is the
suspect?” said the stranger man. “I don’t tell you so what do you want to do?
Kill me? Like the murder kill your sister?” said Jack.
Suddenly the whole room getting
silent and Adam apparently frightened out of with what Jack said before. “You
want to kill me, kill me in the front and don’t involve Adam into your case”
said Jack. “Are you shame? You have own biological father was rape and kill
your own sister!” yelling Jack. “Adam kills him!” yelling the stranger man.
“No! I don’t want hurting someone anymore” said Adam. “So you are going to
killed” said the stranger man and suddenly appear some hole and fly away the
knives into Adam’s position. “Oh… No!” yelling Jack and push Adam’s body aside
to avoid the knives are thrusting to Adam but Jack is stabbed. “Oh… No Jack!”
said Adam.
The other place, “Robert, what you
tried to do is carry too far” said Rudy to Robert when Robert pulled off his
mask, while watching the video of Jack and Adam. “And what he said actually is
true and about the sperm test, they’re not our suspect” said Rudy again but
Robert still keep silent and go out from the room. “Bring them some
medications” said Rudy to his members. Then, Jack and Adam get their Medicare.
“Are we released now?” ask Jack to Adam. “No still this room” said Adam. And
while some people give medicated to Jack and Adam’s injured. “Rudy, get my
father and interrogation him” said Robert. “Alright” said Rudy. “And how about
Jack and Adam?” ask Rudy again. “Release them and bring them to hospital” said
Robert. In the room, Jack and Adam are still medicated and suddenly someone is
speaking pass through the speaker, “Bring them out and take them to hospital”
said someone through the speaker. “Jack, are you listening what they said?”
said Adam. “Yes I heard and we are release now” said Jack in painful.
In the hospital, Jack and Adam are
one room together. “How you can assume the stranger man was Amanda’s brother?”
ask Adam. “Because I’m remembered when Amanda took me to her house and
introduces me with her brother. And her brother is police officer” said Jack.
“Really? I’m glad Amanda has a friend with you” said Adam. Suddenly a
newscaster announce on reported news on the television, “The murder of Amanda
is arrested by the policeman and for this case is the murder by biological
father was murder his own biological daughter and his son also arrested his
father about murder his own sister” said newscaster. Suddenly the nurse is
come, “So you want make police report because the policeman are come here?”
said the nurse while she bring the policeman to Jack and Adam’s room. And then
Jack and Adam are just looking each other. Stories: The Room
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