Thursday, March 13, 2014

Air Pollutions Getting Worse in 2014

Air Pollutions Getting Worse in 2014

          In Malaysia still happen the missing of air craft, MH370. Besides that, in my own country still happen air pollution each year and this year getting worse. Additionally, the weather getting dried. It’s also increase cause of the air pollution. And about human attitude also make influence to increasing the air pollution. Intentional or intuitively burnt the soil, we suppose to aware with the condition and the weather.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stories; July


            In an alley, living a transvestite. Being a transvestite wasn’t he choice and he is only having ability in interpreted someone’s life cycle using muggings a tarot cards and as long as he can still survive in a world of cruel. In the Night club is his work place with dressing and wearing like a woman every Saturday night. But being a transvestite is mockery and discrimination from society.